LaVoixski@Adding a noise filter to PitchDetector

As a result of Eureka! being activated for the first time in a while, it is now possible to avoid the hiccups that used to occur on the Pitch side.

In short, a filter that removes unwanted noise components is placed in front of average to prevent intervention,

The key is to set the threshold value at which the filter is triggered.

In the extreme case shown below, if the output of the antenna-side oscillator is too low compared to the reference oscillator, the voltage across the threshold value will cause a malfunction, resulting in this noise at the detector output.

Naturally, this time we made an allowance for the oscillator circuit on the PitchAnt. side to compensate for the output level, but in any case, the oscillator on the antenna side is still susceptible to disturbance noise.

I tried the same method on the volume side, but unfortunately, the volume oscillator with a large change in volume frequently malfunctioned, making it unusable.

The benefit of this improvement is great, and the subtle pitch deviation, which had been a concern for a long time, has been eliminated. This suggests that misfires detected at an unnoticeable level had accumulated in the average, and as a result, unstable elements were being introduced.

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